Modak Recipe

modak recipe

Ganesh Chaturthi is near its celebration time of the year and also a time to prepare some very delicious and Ganesh Ji’s favorite Modak. So here we go following is the easy and step-by-step process for Modak Recipe. Ingredients for Modak Recipe [wptb id=1346] Preparation of dow for Modak take 2 cups of maida in … Read more

homemade crispy jalebi recipe | how to make yummy jalebi at home

jalebi recipe

crispy jalebi recipe preparation Friends today we are going to prepare crispy jalebi at home, yes you read it right homemade crispy jalebi and that to in less than 1/2 an hour. today we are going to prepare crispy jalebi recipe by instant method. cant believe, lets go through the process step by step. jalebi … Read more